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Jun 10 2022

NATO E-3A AWACS Participates In Ramstein Legacy 22

Crews from the NATO E-3A AWACS and the Turkish E-7T supported the live-fly Integrated Air and Missile Defence exercise Ramstein Legacy 22 from NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen which took place from 6 to 10 June.

The exercise was designed to train the NATO Command and Control structure to integrate aircraft and Surface Base Air and Missile Defence assets in complex, comprehensive live environment across Europe. Ramstein Legacy 22 was held in Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and the wider Baltic Sea Region.

These type of large-scale training exercises, like Ramstein Legacy, are rare these days and more important than ever.

"Our role during the Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) exercise was to control and support the air activity in close coordination with the responsible exercise ground site," said Lieutenant Colonel (OF-4) Olaf Flying Squadron 1 Tactical Director.

"As part of NATO, the Turkish E-7T AEW&C executed Ramstein Legacy exercise with allies. The E-7T's role in the exercise was Command & Control in the vicinity of Baltic Airspace," said Lieutenant Colonel (OF-4) Engin, E-7T Tactical Director.

The operators had the opportunity to test and validate technical, tactical and operational interoperability in the Integrated Air and Missile Defence domain by using the existing NATO network environment and train Air to Air Weapon Control capabilities under NATO Command. Operating the Turkish E-7T Sentry from NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen made further integration between NATO's and Turkish Allies possible.


A NATO E-3A AWACS prepares for takeoff from NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, in support of Ramstein Legacy 22.

A Turkish E-7T lands at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen in support of Ramstein Legacy 22.

Ramstein Legacy 22 demonstrated NATO's IAMD capability and the continual development of multi-domain interoperability between Allied units that support the collective defence of the Alliance. NATO Allies enhanced their ability to safeguard and protect territory, populations and forces from air and missile threat or attacks in a realistic multi-domain exercise scenario.

"During the Exercise, the E-7T AEW&C also conducted NATO Assurance Measures Mission in the Baltic Airspace," said Lieutenant Colonel Engin. "The E-7T AEW&C shared its radar picture with NATO assets and contributed NATO's Air and Surface and Maritime Awareness."

A Turkish E-7T crew conducts Command & Control in support of Ramstein Legacy 22. Operating the Turkish E-7T Sentry from GK made further integration between NATO's and Turkish Allies possible.   .  

During the missions, the E-7T AEW&C and NATO assets demonstrated cooperation, interoperability and solidarity between allies.

The AWACS participation in Exercise Ramstein Legacy provided an opportunity to practice NATO Tactics, Techniques and Procedures in a multi-domain scenario with the connectivity with SBAD units, which is not available on a daily basis.

"These type of large-scale training exercises, like Ramstein Legacy, are rare these days and more important than ever," said OF-4 Olaf. "In addition, we can strengthen our cooperation, interoperability and integration with other NATO Air Defence Forces during the planning and execution phase – among other things by sending liaison teams and/or personnel."

Story by Airborne Early Warning & Control Force Public Affairs Office

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Airborne Early Warning
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P.O. Box 40800
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52511 Geilenkirchen

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