Today 26 August 2020, Forward Operating Base (FOB) Aktion was all set for the ceremony where Colonel Apostolos Kastoris was relinquishing and Colonel Argyrios Kostouros was accepting command of this Greek FOB, located near Cape Aktion, South of Preveza city.
The ceremony was attended by Brigade General Charles B. McDaniel, E-3A Component Commander, Brigade General Theocharidis, representative of the Hellenic Tactical Air Force (HTAF), guests and FOB personnel.
Brig.Gen. McDaniel thanked Colonel Apostolos Kastoris for his excellent leadership as Commander of this critical FOB; “Under Colonel Apostolos Kastoris Command FOB Aktion supported NATO commitment to provide security for the Alliance to meet NATO Atlantic Council tasks. Not only did he enable the mission but also took care of personnel and modernized the infrastructure. This FOB is an example to the world of what an alliance can achieve when our nations join together as a multi-national, fully integrated Air Force.”
From left to right; Col Kastoris, BG McDaniel , Col. Kostoros. (Photos by PAO GK)
In his farewell speech, Col Apostos Kastoris mentioned, “Two years ago, I took over command and was challenged to fulfil only one simple task what exactly the mission statement declares; Ready, responsive support to deployed crews an aircrafts in support of the E3A Operating Base. So during these years; Operations like Assurance Measures and Sea Guardian training flights, E-3D deployments Technical support and consolidated inspections, have been fully supported on a 24 hours base, under any contingency by all FOB Aktion resources. This was not possible without the outstanding support and professionalism of the men and woman of FOB Aktion. I am pretty sure you can accomplish any task you may be assigned for.”
Addressing the Commanders, he said, “I’d like to humbly remind you of the operational value of this base, its position in the region and that my country understands the established value of this entity and would like to continue using it as a primary location for the years to come.”
The change of command became official when outgoing commander Apostolos Kastoris passed the Colours to E-3A Component Commander, Brigade General Chares B. McDaniel who in turn handed the flag to the new FOB commander, Colonel Argyrios Kostouros.
As new FOB Commander, Kostouros said, “I feel very honoured to serve the E-3A component for the first time in my career. But at the same time it fills me with responsibilities as I am called upon to face a demanding, challenging and dynamic task” He continued, “This can only can be achieved through the quality of human resources and trough spirit of the goodwill and cooperation between military and civilian personnel, elements that are known to exist on our FOB.”
After the ceremony, a reception was held at the Dining Hall.
Col, Argyrios Kostouros, joined the Hellenic Air Force Academy (HAFA) in 1990. He has flown over more than 2.000 hours as a Mirage 2000 Pilot and Test Pilot in 114CW/332SQ. Later, he was in Hellenic Air Force Academy (HAFA) as Commander of the 4th SQ. Finally, he served as Ops Director in 135CW.