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Nov 3 2021


LUXEMBOURG – The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) has signed a follow-on contract with the International Aerospace Management Company (IAMCO), for the provision of Depot Level Maintenance services to support the NATO E-3A Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS) Fleet for another 10 years.

The multi-year contract is the fourth of this nature, testifying the 30-year successful relationship between NSPA and its industry partner IAMCO in support of the NATO AWACS fleet. The contract will be effective from 1 January 2022 and includes maintenance of the aircraft, engines and the aircraft & mission system components, overhaul, modification, testing, calibration and engineering services.
To develop and finalise this contract, NSPA, IAMCO and the NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force (NAEW&CF), invested more than two years of coordinated work. Ms. Stacy Cummings, NSPA General Manager, and Mr. Max Kuchler, IAMCO General Manager held a signature ceremony in Capellen, Luxembourg, on 29 October 2021.

"We are delighted to see this important contract being awarded. All stakeholders, NSPA, NAEW&CF HQ and IAMCO, have jointly invested many working hours to successfully develop and negotiate this contract. A lot of work that will pay back with a contract that will overcome the challenges of running an ageing fleet and thus will provide robust support to the operations of the NATO E-3A in its crucial mission", said Air Commodore Keith Taylor, Deputy Commander of the NAEW&C Force.

"The award of this contract is an important milestone to provide future support and sustainment to the NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Force, so they can continue operating NATO's Eyes in the Sky capability for another 10 years", said NSPA General Manager, Ms. Stacy Cummings.

"We are pleased to formalize by signature of this contract our continuing partnership for Depot Level Maintenance Services of the NAEW&C fleet for the next 10 years", said Mr. Max Kuchler, the IAMCO General Manager.

From left to right: NSPA General Manager, Ms. Stacy Cumming, Air Commodore Keith Taylor, Deputy Commander of the NAEW&C Force and Mr. Max Kuchler, the IAMCO General Manager 
The AWACS fleet, NATO's eyes in the sky, provides the Alliance with air surveillance, command and control, battle space management and communications. NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany, is home to 14 AWACS aircraft. NSPA has dedicated staff located Geilenkirchen to support NATO E-3A Component operations through local procurement services, training, software and airfield services. The Agency manages supply activities and multi-year support contracts established for the NATO E-3A Component operations.

For the last three decades, NSPA has been providing comprehensive Depot Level Maintenance for the NATO E-3A Sentry aircraft in support of the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force (NAEW&CF), through its multi-year contracts with its industrial partner IAMCO.

As a multinational Consortium, IAMCO manages the Depot Level Maintenance Services for the NAEW&C fleet with the support of approved Subcontractors, balancing Industrial Benefits amongst Industries from the NATO AEW&C Programme Management Organisation Participating Nations.

Story by NATO Support and Procurement Agency

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Airborne Early Warning
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52511 Geilenkirchen

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