The course aimed to improve the tactical leadership skills and flying capabilities of Mission Commanders and enhance the interoperability of NATO Air Forces through the familiarization of tactics and capabilities of other air forces.
Not only do we get to bring additional command and control capabilities by supporting TLP, our crews are also provided with valuable training and experience to maintain qualifications. - Lt. Col. Denis, Deployment Commander
Lt. Col. Denis added, “We will be able to upgrade two student Fighter Allocators in this demanding atmosphere where they will have to manage their weapons controllers and interact with mission commanders in order to provide the required battle management contributions to meet the commander’s intent.”
A NATO E-3A AWACS sits on the runway at Los Llanos Air Base, Spain, Nov. 20, 2024. The AWACS provided critical support to air operations during the Tactical Leadership Program.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew D. Sarver
By working alongside these units during TLP, it will streamline the diverse tactics and enhance the interoperability with these units in the future.
“The time between receiving and executing a mission is quite limited, but it forces us to really hone our abilities to become the tactical-level leaders NATO needs to help defend the Alliance,” said Lt. Matt. “It’s really amazing to see how we can come from such diverse backgrounds, yet by the end of the course we are integrating as if we have been training together for years.”
TLP exposes Allied Air Forces to diverse tactics and is a hub for the exchange of information amongst participants to enhance NATO’s capabilities.
“Our crews will oversee a diverse range of aircraft in various scenarios throughout the course and will be exposed to the very challenging timeline of preparing, executing, and debriefing very complex missions within 12 hours,” said Lt. Col. Denis. “From Offensive Integrated Air Defense and Airfield Attack to Combat Search and Rescue and Anti-Access/Area Denial, each scenario provides both our crews and the TLP participants with valuable experience that we can take back to our units.”

German Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons sit on the runway at Los Llanos Air Base, Spain, Nov. 20, 2024. Eurofighters were one of many fighter platforms participating in the Tactical Leadership Program.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew D. Sarver
The course covered several scenarios, both offensive and defensive, where the NATO AWACS played a crucial role in orchestrating air operations.
“It’s really great working with our fellow course participants,” said Lt. Matt. “It’s not often we share the same mission planning room so everyone tries to learn from each other.”