Chief Master Sergeant Mirco ”Howie” Hauschild is the Command Senior Enlisted Leader of the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force and the NATO E-3A Component.
He joined the German Air Force in March 1996 and started his basic training at the training regiment in Goslar. This was followed by various courses to become a crew chief for the German Tornado fighter bomber aircraft. After graduation he was stationed at Maintenance Squadron Tactical Air Wing 33 in Büchel.
In 2003, he was moved to Special Air Lift Wing Cologne to get trained as a boom operator. Due to restructuring of the Wing in 2004 he was reassigned to Maintenance Squadron Tactical Air Wing 33, Büchel.
From 2004 until 2007, he was part of the standardization team which was responsible to test and implement the new German standoff missile TAURUS. Therefore he was several weeks deployed to Overberg Test Range in South Africa to be an integral part of the German Air Force test program.
In July 2007, OR-9 Hauschild was assigned to Geilenkirchen Air Base, Germany and got trained to be a Radar Technician on board of the NATO E-3a. He is a qualified instructor and evaluator with more than 4000 flying hours of experience. With the NATO E-3A Component he was several times deployed to conduct operational flights for ISAF, Counter Daesh, Capacity Building, and Sea Guardian.
In addition to his primary duties, Chief Master Sergeant Hauschild is a qualified PAO NCO of the German Forces, Flight Safety NCO and responsible for the E-3A museum at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen.
He was born on October 25, 1974 in Neuwied and lives in Weissenthurm. He is married to his wife Sabrina and they have one daughter.
Details of Promotions:
OR 1 03/1996
OR 2 06/1996
OR 3 09/1996
OR 5 03/1997
OR 6 03/2000
OR 7 11/2007
OR 8 08/2015
OR 9 04/2023
Major Awards and Decorations:
2002 - Disaster Relief Medal German Flooding
2002 - Disaster Relief Medal Saxony-Anhalt
2011 - Non-Article 5 Medal ISAF
2011 – German Forces Service Medal ISAF Bronze
2015 – German Forces Honor Cross Bronze
2018 – German Forces Service Medal Counter Daesh Bronze
2021 – German Forces Service Medal Capacity Building Bronze