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Home  /  Community  /  FAQ  /  Why do you only train at Geilenkirchen Air Base and nowhere else?

Why do you only train at Geilenkirchen Air Base and nowhere else?

The E-3A Component aims to be a good neighbour and operates a strict noise reduction policy. Among other things, this means that we minimize the number of operational and training flights at Geilenkirchen Air Base, and we have initiated other noise reduction measures. The number of training flights at Geilenkirchen is being diminished by increasing the use of simulators and by transferring many training flights to other airfields elsewhere in Europe and in North America. We describe this as ‘exporting noise’. In 2011, about 65% of all flights were transferred to other airfields for this purpose. This ‘export’ costs the Component millions of euros per year in fuel costs alone. Increasing it further would not only be unaffordable but would also hamper the training programmes for pilots and for the base’s air traffic control personnel, who are also required to maintain their professional skills and certification.

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Airborne Early Warning
& Control Force

P.O. Box 40800
Lilienthalallee 100
52511 Geilenkirchen

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P.O. Box 40800
Lilienthalallee 100
52511 Geilenkirchen