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At what times of day is flying actually allowed?

At NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen the normal hours for flight operations are from 08:00 until 22:00 hrs Mondays to Fridays. The quiet hours are from 22:00 hrs until 08:00 hrs on weekdays and throughout the weekend. Aircraft noise has an impact on the local area around the air base. That is why we make every effort to minimize such disturbance outside the standard opening hours for the base. The number of flights outside normal opening hours is not more than 30 per year. Deviations from this policy are only permitted in case of operational necessity.

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Airborne Early Warning
& Control Force

P.O. Box 40800
Lilienthalallee 100
52511 Geilenkirchen

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P.O. Box 40800
Lilienthalallee 100
52511 Geilenkirchen